======== Overview ======== The philiosophy =============== Modules ------- Pacakge :mod:`pystacia` is divided into several submodules of which :mod:`pystacia.image` and :mod:`pystacia.color` are of most interest to readers. For convenience reasons symbols from `pystacia.image` are imported directly into :mod:`pystacia` and :mod:`pystacia.color` is accessible as :attr:`pystacia.color` attribute under :mod:`pystacia`. For quick experiments in a console you can perform `from pystacia import *`. Several attributes got pulled into your namespace including: - :func:`pystacia.image.read`, :func:`pystacia.image.read_blob` and :func:`pystacia.image.read_raw` image factories - :attr:`pystacia.image.composite`, :attr:`pystacia.image.types`, :attr:`pystacia.image.filters`, :attr:`pystacia.image.colorspaces`, :attr:`pystacia.image.axes` lazy enumerations - :func:`pystacia.lena` and :func:`pystacia.magick_logo` sample image factories Classes and factories --------------------- Pystacia is an object oriented imaging library. It uses factory functions to create objects representing concepts like :class:`pystacia.image.Image` or :class:`pystacia.color.Color`. You don't typically use class constructors to create objects and generally you shouldn't unless you really know what you are doing. You should rely on factories instead. :: """Create an image object from read factory""" from pystacia import read image = read('example.jpg') """Create a color object from from_string factory""" from pystacia import color red = color.from_string('red') Constants --------- Many Pystacia methods take :term:`C` enum-like mnemonics. For example to specify which axis to perform transformation along you can use :attr:`axes.x`. These names are symbolic representation of underlying `C` constants. They are lazily resolved during runtime to their integral value. :: """Skew an image by 5 pixels along Y axis""" image.skew(5, axes.y) There are several lazy enums defined. Most of them inside :mod:`pystacia.image` but they are also for you convenience imported into main :mod:`pystacia` module. Some of them are listed below: - :attr:`pystacia.image.types`: image types such as :attr:`types.bilevel` for monochrome image, `types.pallette`, `types.grayscale` and `types.truecolor` - :attr:`pystacia.image.colorspace`: color-spaces such as :attr:`colorspaces.rgb` or `colorspaces.ycbcr`. - :attr:`pystacia.image.filters`: sampling filters used typically in rescaling algorithms including popular :attr:`filters.point`, :attr:`filters.bilinear` or :attr:`filters.sinc` typically used in :meth:`pystacia.image.Image.rescale`. - :attr:`pystacia.image.composites`: :attr:`composite.over` or :attr:`composite.hue` used with :meth:`pystacia.image.Image.overlay`. - :attr:`pystacia.image.axes`: :attr:`axes.x` and :attr:`axes.y` axes Method chaining --------------- By default methods of :class:`pystacia.image.Image` are chainable i.e. you can construct code using long string of methods forming a chain such as:: from pystacia import read read('example.jpg').denoise().rescale(256, 256).rotate(45).write('output.png') This style of programming is used a lot in some communities e.g. :term:`jQuery` and some :term:`Java` and :term:`PHP` projects. This is unusual in Python and not entirely clear if appropriate. Instead a Python programmer could typically code like that:: from pystacia import read image = read('example.jpg') image.denoise() image.rescale(256, 256) image.rotate(45) image.write('output.png') Pystacia allows both styles or mixture of them. By default all methods that can be chained are chainable. It's up to you what you choose. One of the down sides of chaining is that when an exception occurs it can be not immediately clear where it comes from when you call one method several times on one line. If you want to explicitly forbid chaining you can do so by injection environment variable `PYSTACIA_NO_CHAINS` with non-false value before importing :mod:`pystacia`. When you do so methods that were previously chainable return ``None``:: from os import environ environ['PYSTACIA_NO_CHAINS'] = '1' from pystacia import read # chaining explicitely disabled above image = read('example.jpg') image.blur(3).rotate(45) # this raises an Exception or from shell: .. code-block:: bash $ PYSTACIA_NO_CHAINS=1 python helloworld.py Behind the scenes ================= Pystcia uses :term:`ImageMagick` :term:`DLL` to perform its operation. Specifically :term:`MagickWand` API is used which is contained in `libMagickWand.so`, `libMagickWand.dylib` or `libMagickWand.dll` depending on the platform used. Pystacia searches for the library in several places starting from the place where bundled binaries are normally stored and ending with system-wide locations. The details of search algorithms are detailed in :ref:`search-path`. Resolved library is loaded through :term:`ctypes` and all Pystacia API calls are translated into their several C API low-level counterparts abstracting details for you. Pystacia can work with :term:`ImageMagick` version or later but more recent versions are bundled and advised to use.